
We strongly recommend all travelers purchase insurance at the time they place their initial payment on a trip. While this is an optional* additional cost to your trip, for some itineraries, a minimum of emergency medical evacuation coverage is not only recommended, it is required. It is the traveler’s responsibility to protect their purchases. Travel Protection Coverage, including additional ‘cancel for any reason’ coverage, is highly recommended to protect your trip investment, in the event you need to cancel, or your trip is interrupted due to any number of unforeseen circumstances to you, a traveling partner, or a close family member. Additionally, the insurance will assist and cover expenses for medical emergencies, including medical evacuation while traveling, as well as other travel related expenses such as delays, misconnections, lost baggage, etc. 

*Certain countries require foreign visitors to have valid medical insurance on entry. It is the traveller’s responsibility to make sure they are in full compliance with each destination’s Immigration protocols (which may be subject to change without notice) or airline boarding / entry to that country may be denied. Declining to purchase an adequate travel protection plan could result in the loss of your travel cost and/or require more money to correct the situation. There may be no way to recoup any losses, costs or expenses incurred.

Great Expeditions works with Travel Guard, a subsidiary of AIG, as well as DAN, DiveAssure, and Medjet, and can provide a quote at the time of booking for comprehensive coverage or emergency evacuation coverage, or you can explore policy options directly through the links below. Great Expeditions is, however, not qualified to answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions, and conditions of travel insurance plans. We also cannot evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured's existing insurance coverage. If you have any detailed questions about your travel protection you need address those directly with the provider.